Taylor Casey, a Black trans woman is still missing in the Bahamas, the Trevor Project has a new CEO and Richard Simmons has passed away – July 15, 2024
This week on the Queer News podcast Anna DeShawn gives an update on Taylor Casey who went missing in the Bahamas nearly three weeks ago. In politics, Thomas Crooks a 20 year old registered Republican, attempted to murder former President Donald Trump. In culture and entertainment, Richard Simmons has passed away, the Trevor Project has a new CEO, and the daughter of Cameroon’s President comes out on Instagram despite the dangers.
Family, it’s your favorite queer radio personality Anna DeShawn and this is Queer News. Your fav weekly news pod where race & sexuality meet politics, culture, and entertainment.
The clip at the top was Channyn Lynne Parker, Executive Director of Brave Space Alliance at the press conference held for Taylor Casey on Thursday, July 11th on her 42nd birthday here in Chicago. My heart breaks everyday that Taylor is not home and the more I hear about this investigation the angrier I get. More updates on the top of the show.
Also, family don’t forget the Queer News tip line is open. A link is in the show notes.
QCrew, what’s going on. Thank you for helping to finally sustain this podcast. Thank you. The QCrew helps with podcast hosting, editing, marketing, PR, travel, etc. If you believe in the work we do. If you believe LGBTQ stories need to be amplified. If you love and respect how I report on the news and tell our stories, join the QCrew. A link is in the show notes.
And family don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel at E3 Radio and turn on the notifications so you don’t miss a thing.
Now for the news. Our top story is an update about my Chicago comrade Taylor Casey who went missing in the Bahamas for over three weeks now. In politics, Thomas Crooks a 20 year old registered Republican attempted to murder former President Donald Trump. In culture and entertainment, Richard Simmons has passed away, the Trevor Project has a new CEO, and the daughter of CAmeroon’s President comes out on Instagram despite the dangers. Let’s go!
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[00:00:00] There’s no place like the Qube.
I will start off by describing Taylor in three words. And that is first, daughter of Colette. Secondly, friend of everybody who is behind you and in front of you today. And third, fighter. What we know, above all, is that wherever Taylor is, she is fighting. And above all, she desperately wants to get home.[00:00:30]
Taylor wants to get back in the game. To the community that we so know and call our beloved community. Again, we continue to send a resounding message across the waters, globally, locally, and nationally, that black women do not matter. Black trans women do not matter, but we’re here to say right now, emphatically, resoundingly, and loudly that we reject that, that black.
[00:01:00] Women matter that black trans women matter, and we will not forget this situation. While Taylor may be missing, she is not forgotten. Right? So we’re going to continue to apply pressure. We’re going to continue to hold our elected officials locally, nationally, and globally to accountability. And we will bring Taylor home.
Thank you all so much.[00:01:30]
Family. It’s your favorite queer radio personality, Anna Deshaun, and this is This is Queer News, your favorite weekly news pod where race and sexuality meet politics, culture, and entertainment. The clip at the top [00:02:00] of the show was Shannon Lynn Parker, executive director of Brave Space Alliance here in Chicago at the press conference that was held for Taylor Casey on Thursday, July 11th.
On her 42nd birthday, my heart breaks every day that Taylor is not home. And the more I hear about this investigation, the angrier I get. Truly, truly. I got more updates for you at the top of the show. Also family, don’t forget. I want your [00:02:30] queer news tips. I haven’t gotten any in a while. So if there’s something exciting, fun, even devastating happening in your communities, I want to report on the things.
Not making a blog, not making the news cycle. All right. The information on how to submit is in the show notes. Q Crew, you know, I always got to show y’all special love. Y’all are helping to sustain this podcast in a time where the word news is being filtered from social media, where the [00:03:00] word queer is being filtered from social media, where the word politics is being filtered.
It’s being filtered all over the place. It has been hard, y’all. This has been a tough year. And so you, I’m talking to you who is making a monthly donation to the Queer News Podcast. I am saying thank you. Thank you. You are truly helping to sustain this medium. And if you’re listening to this and you’re not part of the Q crew, please [00:03:30] join.
It helps us sustain absolutely everything that we do from hosting, editing, marketing, PR, travel. So if you believe in this word, if you believe LGBTQ stories need to be amplified, if you love and respect how I report on the news and tell our stories, join the Q crew. Okay. A link is in the show notes and family.
Don’t forget about our YouTube channel. Okay. We just surpassed 400 subscribers. Woo. Woo. Okay. [00:04:00] Visit E3 radio on YouTube. Turn on the notifications and all the things. Now for the news, our top story is an update about my Chicago comrade, Taylor Casey, who went missing in the Bahamas. For over three weeks now in politics, Thomas Crooks, a 20 year old registered Republican attempted to murder former president, Donald Trump and culture and entertainment.
Richard Simmons has passed away. The [00:04:30] Trevor project has a new CEO. And the daughter of Cameroon’s president comes out on Instagram, despite the ever present dangers. So much to talk about, family. Let’s go. Family. Our top story today is, of course, Taylor Casey, my Chicago comrade who’s been missing in the Bahamas now for over three weeks.
On Thursday, July 11th, her family, friends, organizers [00:05:00] put together a press conference On Taylor’s 42nd birthday here in Chicago to update everyone about the investigation. And let me tell y’all the more I hear about it, the angrier I get and a press release that was dropped on July 9th. It was the first time that her family, friends, organizers.
Mentioned that Taylor is a black trans woman. [00:05:30] Of course I knew. And when I saw the initial press releases where it didn’t mention her identity, I knew why I knew is because of concerns around how her investigation would be handled, the care. Especially in the Caribbean, given the known biases and I understood, but when I saw the press release on July 9th and it mentioned her identity, I knew things had [00:06:00] shifted.
I knew that they felt it was necessary to also amplify the fact that she’s a black trans woman missing in the Bahamas. And let me tell y’all what her mom, Miss Seymour said. She said, my child has been missing for almost three weeks. My family, friends, and I are distraught. I am pleading with everyone to call your elected officials and demand the FBI leave this investigation and bring her home safe and sound.
One [00:06:30] of my dear friends, I actually call her my church boo. I can’t even tell you how long I’ve known Jackie as one of the lead organizers. Of the fine Taylor Casey movement, she said this too often black trans and gender expansive siblings go missing with little to no attention. And the media or investigation by authorities, we are extremely concerned for Taylor’s safety and need your support and keeping the pressure on American and [00:07:00] Bahamian authorities.
You know, all Taylor was looking to do was get a yoga certification. You understand? Like that’s all she was looking to do. Deepen her understanding. Bring those understandings back home to Chicago. Something else that was so disturbing to me was last Tuesday, July 9th, the Royal Bahamas police force announced that Michael Johnson, the chief superintendent is on [00:07:30] leave.
They put him on suspension because of corruption and some sketchy voice notes that they found that seemed to be connected to gang activity. And he was the one leading Taylor’s investigation. The family was supposed to receive an update from the Bahamian police force on Friday. We haven’t heard a report that they received any update, but they did say in the press conference, there hasn’t been any new leads.
They’ve been giving them the same information for the last [00:08:00] three weeks. And what they’re calling on now is for elected officials. To press that the FBI get involved in the investigation and just take it over the thing is Because of diplomacy We can’t just do that the Bahamian police force has to invite the FBI into the investigation And so they are pressing pressing elected officials to convince them to do that invitation Until that invitation is [00:08:30] made, the FBI can’t do anything.
And Taylor continues to be missing. Because clearly something ain’t right. If you like me and you’re continuing to follow the story, you know, something ain’t right. And Taylor deserves to be home. She deserves to be home. Y’all
family in politics. Y’all already know the top story on Saturday, July 13th, former president Donald Trump was shot at. There was [00:09:00] a literal assassination attempt on his life. I had fallen asleep watching the WNBA and I woke up to that breaking news sound, you know, doom, doom, doom. And it immediately woke me up.
And all I saw across my screen was assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump. And I was like, what? In the world, it’s going [00:09:30] on. So let me just give you an update on what we know today. The person that fired those shots, Thomas Crooks was a 20 year old registered Republican. He was killed almost instantly by secret service.
And the AR 15 rifle that he used was legally purchased and belonged to his father. I saw interviews with people that knew Thomas that said he was [00:10:00] a loner said he was bullied And right now the police and authorities aren’t sharing if they do know the motive behind all of this Now other things we know are that three people were injured Because of that shooting, one person was killed, Corey Comptor, he’s a 50 year old volunteer firefighter, longtime Trump supporter, and he actually died covering his family when he heard the shots.[00:10:30]
The other two people who were injured, David Dutch and James Copenhaver have been listed in stable condition. Um, they’ve undergone surgeries, but they are listed as stable right now. Something else we know is that Trump loves these rallies. This one took place at Butler farm show. in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Okay. It’s a town of 13, 000 people and about 34 miles north of Pittsburgh. And so this has been how he has built up his quote unquote fan base. I mean, literal fan base. [00:11:00] All right. He goes to these small towns that most folks have forgotten, right. And he has fed off of their fear of being forgotten. And this idea of making America great again, when those folks in those small towns felt like they had the world in the palm of their hand, like it was their oyster.
Okay. He makes them feel that. And that is truly Undeniable. Now, other things we know and other things that [00:11:30] I’ve seen on the internet, and I’m sure you have too, there have been massive conspiracy theories, okay? About this even taking place. I have also seen so many comparisons to when Reagan was shot, right?
And how that catapulted him into being elected, right? As president of the United States. I have seen so much of this over the last 48 hours. And here are my thoughts as this is my podcast. I have given you the facts of what has happened. And [00:12:00] now let me give you my tape. I have been challenged as a Christian over these last 48 hours, the scripture around pray for your enemies, because former president Donald Trump has never shown anybody grace.
I mean, literally
one moment that stands out to me is when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked, right? In their home. [00:12:30] He didn’t show any grace, any remorse. This was one of his supporters. The matter of fact, he made fun of him. And so now this is the person in which we show grace, right? Hmm. Hmm. Y’all, I’m not gonna, it’s been tough.
It’s been tough. Because every single one of my identities as a Black queer woman have been attacked by him and his administration and [00:13:00] his supporters. From where I sit, Make America Great Again was a time when we were three fourths of a person. In the constitution, he has put together a Supreme court that has dismantled Roe v.
Wade, who has given the presidency, some Supreme power of immunity is scary. And now, and now this moment, something nobody [00:13:30] actually should agree with, right? This should not be violence in politics, but he’s been spewing so much violence for the last eight years. Wasn’t this inevitable? Now, what I will say is that I’m sure he didn’t see it coming from a registered Republican.
And now the Republican National Convention kicks off. [00:14:00] And I’m sure anyone who had a speech has rewritten it. Okay. Since this moment has taken place. The Democratic National Convention is coming. The next three months are going to be wilder than we ever thought. And I’m just going to leave it at that, family.
That’s all I got. That’s all I got. I think it’s a great time to take a quick break. And when we get back, we’ll have culture and entertainment. Hey Queer News fans, it’s Derek from E3 Radio here to tell you all about our latest show, Queer Open [00:14:30] Mic. One of our missions is to uplift and support the incredible talent within the LGBTQ plus community and that’s exactly what we set out to do with this monthly showcase.
Queer Open Mic will feature talents such as musicians, DJs, poets, and more. Head over to our YouTube channel at E3 Radio to catch the latest episodes. And before you go, make sure to hit that subscribe button, turn on your notifications and share, share, share. That’s it for me. And thank you for joining us in celebrating queer talent.
Peace, family. I’m Darren. And I’m Esther. And this is Second Sunday, a podcast [00:15:00] about black queer folk finding, keeping, and sometimes losing faith. This season’s full of candid conversations. We’re talking to theologians, artists, activists, and community members living at the intersections of faith, spirituality, and identity.
The Saints ain’t ready for this, but we’re still gonna talk about it. Second Sunday. Find it wherever you get podcasts. Second Sunday is a Qube original podcast, and it’s part of the PRX Big Questions Project.
[00:15:30] Family, welcome back to the show. In culture and entertainment, our top story for today is about the passing of Richard Simmons, the beloved, okay, fitness guru who graced televisions, infomercials, VHS tapes, okay, of just glitter and smiles and big hair and movement and energy for decades. He passed at the age of 76 in his home.
They’re saying there wasn’t any [00:16:00] foul play. And we know that. Richard has really been in hiding for quite some time since his 60s due to health concerns and issues and people keep pressing and they kept pressing and prodding for answers. People wanted answers. The public always thinks they deserve answers and Richard stayed true.
He. He wasn’t budging, you know, and his life was so well lived. One thing I remember about Richard Simmons [00:16:30] besides his energy and those tops and those short shorts was how the people that were working out with him. We’re always different shades. They were always different sizes. He was always so encouraging.
His model for being a fitness guru was so different than everyone else’s. He was not Jane Fonda. Okay. He was [00:17:00] Richard Simmons and he inspired so many people to just move their bodies. He showed folks that you can just move your body. And be a healthier human being. I don’t know what the final years of his life were like.
No one really does, except for those who were in his intimate circle, because he really did shut the world out, but he gave so much to the world that People should just be okay with that. [00:17:30] So today, Richard Simmons, we say, thank you for how you showed up. You never said you was queer child, but we all knew.
And we thank you for that too. We thank you for that. Well done, Richard. Well done.
Family and other culture news. The Trevor Project has a new CEO, and I’m sure you are familiar with the work the Trevor Project does. They are the leading crisis intervention and suicide prevention [00:18:00] organization for LGBTQ plus youth and James black, who identifies as a black, non binary lesbian made history when they accepted this position by becoming the organization’s first CEO with all of those identities.
All right, black brings experience leading high performing teams. And a proven track record in finance technology and nonprofit leadership. James said right now, far too many queer and [00:18:30] transgender youth are struggling because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized by other people. I know what that feels like firsthand.
And they went on to say, this work won’t be easy, but I am ready to roll up my sleeves. And help create a world in which all LGBTQ plus young people feel safe, accepted and free to thrive as their truest sales. I love this. I love this for the Trevor project and I love this for the [00:19:00] movement.
Congratulations, James, on the new position
in more culture and entertainment news. Let me tell you, family, you just never know who’s going to come out. Right. I reported about Amber Ruffin. Coming out last week, and now Brenda Bia, the daughter of Cameroon’s president, Paul Bia, recently came out on Instagram, and y’all, she didn’t just come out, she came out with a picture of her and her girlfriend, Brazilian model, alright, [00:19:30] kissing, not just holding hands, not hugging, kissing, with the caption, I’m crazy about you.
And I want the world to know, you know, falling in love will make you do something like come out on Instagram when you are the daughter of the president. Of Cameroon, you know, a country that demonizes homosexuality when it is truly a chargeable offense of up to [00:20:00] five years in prison. So not only do you have some wild courage in this moment, but you also must feel pretty protected because if the people are looking for you, it is quite easy.
To find you and she says this I can lose a lot. But it’s unfair. Coming out is an opportunity to send a strong message. There are many others who suffer because of [00:20:30] who they are. And what Brenda is saying by coming out is that she hopes to offer them hope and a sense of solidarity. Chile, welcome to the family, okay?
And we’ll be following because I’m sure this is not the end of this story. Mm mm. Family, it’s that time of the show for Anna’s Got A Word because Anna’s always got a word. And my word again today is fight, okay? I saw Sha’Carri Richardson’s bold [00:21:00] cover and that spread with her family and just thinking about how she has bounced back, how she fought back.
You know, she did not give up on her gift. She is winning in this moment and I’d love to see it, okay? Even Shannon Lynn Parker at the top of this episode talked about Taylor. Fighting no matter where she is right now, she is fighting and given everything that’s happening in the world, family, I want you to be invigorated for the fight.
We got a lot to fight for. [00:21:30] We need to fight for the future. We need to fight for our humanity. We need to fight for our rights. We must be fired up to fight. I’m fighting myself, family. The word queer is blocked. All types of places. The word news is blocked. Politics block. That is my whole platform.
Listenership has been down. Money has been down. And I’m, I’m still fighting family [00:22:00] because I believe in this platform. We need it. I need it. And I’m going to keep fighting. I’m going to keep showing up. It’s been a little late this summer season. Summer is hard. Okay. But I’m fighting to show up. Because I know how important it is that we have a voice out here.
When all the things around us feel like they’re trying to silence us, weaken us, we have to be undeterred, okay, for the fight. I love y’all. [00:22:30] I love y’all and I’ll talk to y’all next week. Peace. Ifyou’ve enjoyed what you heard, rate and review us inside your favorite podcasting app. This [00:23:00] podcast is written and produced by me, Anna Deshawn. Podcast editing by Ryan Woodhull and brought to you by E3 radio and distributed on the Qube. We are Queer News Done Right.