The Monologues of My Nappy Hair,” a performance that challenges society’s standards of beauty and exposes racial oppression from slavery until now.
The event is a stunning multi-character drama told through monologues overlapping a plot and dance,” Joseph said. “It focuses on the issue of identity for black women as they deal with the trials and tribulations of their hair that has historically been used as a mode of objectification and exploitation.”   “The Monologues of My Nappy Hair” was inspired by Joseph’s personal trials and tribulations, as well as the stories of others, in an effort to find beauty in the darker side of the human experience.  
Anna DeShawn & the QCrew (Queer Crew) bring authentically-edgy conversation on current topics affecting queer people of color around the country. They bring dynamic guests, engaging conversation, and the hottest independent music. You can tune-in every Thursday at 9p.m. CT/ 7pm PT/ 10pm ET.

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