R.C. Riley, Mary Morton & Howard Brown Health with the QCrew

R.C. Riley, Mary Morton & Howard Brown Health with the QCrew

This was a special night. We had a collection of guests on the air tonight and they were all really dope. Check them out below.

About R.C. Riley
Wrong Way Journey is R.C. Riley’s personal story of challenging heteronormative evangelical views of sexuality and spirituality. After experiencing a traumatic event in early adulthood, R.C. was forced out of naivete into a strikingly unfamiliar world. Wrong Way Journey is an exploration of one queer woman’s journey towards healing, reconciliation, and liberation.






About #ChicagoHealthLooksLike
The #ChicagoHealthLooksLike assessment is a community health survey of trans and cis women and anyone with a cervix in the Chicagoland area, available both online at Howard Brown and Morten Group’s websites, as well as in paper formats at various community events. The survey assesses both healthcare priorities, and factors that may or may not determine whether people with cervixes access primary care and other services from facilities such as Howard Brown Health, and if not, why not.

About Morten Group
Morten Group, LLC is a national consulting firm based in Chicago, IL specializing in organizational and resource development, including workshops on diversity and building communities of inclusion and access, racial equity integration and strategic planning, executive coaching and a variety of other services. Morten Group’s partnership with Howard Brown Health on this assessment builds on a history of assessment-based work, including the LGBT Community Needs Assessment, conducted with the Chicago Community Trust, and an assessment of the National LGBTQ Task Force’s annual conference Creating Change.

Take the Assessment Today


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