“He wanted us to fake beat him up” was the testimony shared by Abimbola Osundairo in the criminal trial of Jussie Smollett, Cardi B. shuts the anti-LGBTQ trolls down, and Bratz has two lesbian dolls changing the game.

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An intersectional approach to a daily news podcast where race & sexuality meet politics, entertainment and culture. Tune-in to reporting which centers & celebrates all of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & comrade communities. Hosted by Anna DeShawn. 7 minutes a day, 5 days a week, ready by 9 a.m.

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The Jussie Smollett trial continued with testimony by Abimbola Osundairo. The youngest of the Osundairo brothers who was also the closest to Smollett. He testified that Smollett wanted him to “fake beat him up” because he was frustrated that a death threat he received wasn’t being taken seriously. He claims Smollett wanted to grab the public’s attention. He went on to testify that they planned everything out from the homophobic slurs, how to throw fake punches, what they would wear and how they would get away from the scene. Mr. Osudairo also said that he did it because Smollett was his friend and he felt indebted to him because of all the things Smollett had done for his acting career. The defense has not cross examined Mr. Osundairo just but that is expected to take place this morning. It should be quite interesting to see how that plays out. Smollett is charged with six counts of felony disorderly conduct for making what prosecutors say was a false police report — one count for each time he gave a report, to three different officers. The class 4 felony carries a prison sentence of up to three years, but experts have said if Smollett is convicted he likely would be placed on probation and ordered to perform community service. We will continue to follow the story and report back to you. 

In other news, social media was up to its usual shenanigans after several parents posted pics of their sons playing with kitchen sets. These kitchen sets have become popular because of Ryan the YouTube star of Ryan’s World. Well despite these pics being incredibly cute some unwarranted sexist & homophobic commentary commenced. One comment said, “ DO NOT buy your son a kitchen set for Christmas…get him a tool set..don’t put the wrong ideals in ya son head at an early age.” Others explicitly insinuated that having their sons play like they’re cooking will cause them to be gay. Well Cardi B. came to the rescue and tweeted, “The fact that Ryans world the little boy from YOuTube make millions and he have a kitchen set like this and y’all worry about if this gay or not [insert the face palm emoji] 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Stop being so close minded and dumb.” That part Cardi. Thank you. That part. 

Now to counteract that ignorance, I’d like to share another story about a pair of Bratz dolls helping to change the toy industry for the better.  Roxxi & Nevra were introduced last year during pride month holding hands and rocking their pride gear. Bratz wrote, “Stepping’ out and coming out.” Well this wasn’t just a pride push as the dolls have been rocking together all year long. For National Coming Out Day this year they went on a date to a haunted house and everything. This type of representation matters and it means the world to a young person who wants to be seen in the toys they play with too. 

Now it’s time for Anna’s Word of the Day. The word for today is to stop all self-defeating behaviors and thoughts. This is an affirmation I either listen too or repeat to myself everyday. Our subconscious is really powerful and it soaks up the things we take in. When we say things that begin with “I can’t” or “I”m not good enough too” it affects us. We should say “I can do x if I y” or “I am good enough to complete x and y can help me achieve it.” Negativity is sometimes really easy to miss because it can become a habit too. I challenge you to notice the moments when you aren’t speaking positively and immediately course correct. You will be better for it. Till tomorrow family, peace. 


The New York Times

One of Jussie Smollett’s Attackers Tells Court Events Were All Staged



Jussie Smollett ‘wanted me to beat him up,’ Abimbola Osundairo testifies


ABC News

Man testifies Smollett recruited him, brother to fake attack


Pink News

Cardi B emphatically shuts down ridiculous ‘debate’ over kitchen sets for boys being ‘gay’


LGBTQ Nation

A pair of Bratz dolls is changing the toy industry for the better & making kids feel more included


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