Chris Dickerson, the first Black gay bodybuilder to win Mr. America dies at 82, Homophobic comic fans aren’t happy with a bisexual Jon Kent & Anna drops NFT podcast recommendations – Friday, January 14, 2022
We will remember the life of Chris Dickerson and everything he accomplished as a world renowned bodybuilder living at the intersections of being Black & gay. Clark Kent & Lois Lane’s son is bisexual in the latest Superman comic and the homophobes aren’t pleased. Anna drops some NFT podcast recommendations for you to check out.
00:00 – Welcome & Intro
00:34 – The Qube Ad
00:58 – Intro Music
01:38 – We will remember the life of Chris Dickerson and everything he accomplished as a world renowned bodybuilder living at the intersections of being Black & gay
04:18 – Clark Kent & Lois Lane’s son is bisexual in the latest Superman comic and the homophobes aren’t pleased
05:20 – Anna drops some NFT podcast recommendations for you to check out
06:10 – Anna’s Got a Word
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Family, this is your favorite Queer radio personality Anna DeShawn here with our Queer news from today.
We will remember the life of Chris Dickerson and everything he accomplished as a world reknowned bodybuilder living at the intersections of being Black & gay in the 60s, 70s, & the 80s. Clark Kent & Lois Lane’s son is bisexual in the latest Superman comic and the homophobes are not pleased. I drop some NFT podcast recommendations for you to check out.
Today’s leading story is about champion bodybuilder and the first Black gay man to win Mr. America, Chris Dickerson, who made his earthly transition yesterday at the age of 82. One thing I’ve always enjoyed about this work is that I quite literally learn something everyday. There is a person, an organization, a movement that I’ve never heard of who’s either doing amazing work or has done amazing work. Today that person is Chris. He was not only the first Black gay man to win Mr. America he was the first Black man and the first openly gay man to win Mr. Olympia. He was doing this in the 60s, 70s & 80s. It wasn’t safe to be Black or out back then. In a 2009 paper published in Iron Game History: The Journal of Physical Culture he talked about the racism and homophobia he faced while competing and shared that living at the intersections of being Black & gay was a barrier for him in the bodybuilding world. One time in particular was at the 1980 Mr. Olympia competition where he narrowly lost the top title to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He said the promoter of the Mr Olympia contest was a “real low life, a bigot, who had a real dislike for me – partly on racial grounds and partly for my sexual orientation”. The paper alleged the promoter also told another official that “Chris couldn’t win because he was a f*g”. Racism & homophobia will wear you down. It is mentally & emotionally exhausting and still he never stopped. He came in second again in 1981 and then was triumphant in 1982 and became, at the time, the oldest person to win the Mr. Olympia title at 43 years old. Over the span of three decades he won over 50 titles in his career & four major bodybuilding titles: Mr. Olympia, Mr. America, Mr. Universe and the Pro Mr. America. He is the only man to win major titles in all four bodybuilding federations and in 2014 he was inducted into the Muscle Beach Hall of Fame. He made the boys go wild too when he posed nude for Jim French, a photographer who specialized in erotic imagery of gay men. From what I read, Chris was an amazing person and someone all of us should know. Well done Chris. Take your rest. Well done.
Our next story is about DC Comics writer Tom Taylor. Now Tom is bisexual and he’s currently writing for Superman. I’m not really into comics but I know there are legends of comic fans out there and I understand the impact they have on culture. Well Tom has written into the storyline that Clark Kent & Lois Lane’s son Jon Kent is bisexual and has been dating a reporter named Jay Nakamura. They have some intimate moments and I think it’s beautiful but we all know what comes next. The trolls. They began chiming in with their homophobic comments and even sent him death threats. But Tom didn’t shy away from them. Ya’ll know what he did? He took to Twitter and made donations to his favorite LGBTQ organizations in their names as a way to deal with the unwarranted hate. He posted the receipts on Twitter too & I’m sure they really love that. This is definitely one way to deal with homophobes.
It’s Friday and last week I shared some LGBTQ podcasts I think you should check out. I want to start making this a thing so today I want to share some NFT podcasts you should check out if you’re interested in getting into that world. I’ve been doing a lot of research to learn about Non-Fungible Tokens and how I can incorporate them into my work. Well I saw an article on Medium that shared these podcasts and I’ll be checking them out this weekend. So the recommendations are Two Bored Apes, Proof, The Nifty Show, NFT Catcher Podcast, The Mint Condition, & Show2TheMoon. All of them take a different approach to NFTs but all giving good information. Let’s not get left behind on this one.
Family, it’s time for the word of the day. The word for today is lead with love. As we go into the weekend, think about all the ways you can choose to lead with love. When you go to comment on someone’s post or maybe when you’re in line for Popeyes and they run out of chicken (not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything) or when your loved ones press that last nerve. Take a big deep breath & just do what you can to lead with love. Till Monday family, peace.
Champion bodybuilder and first Black gay man to win Mr America tragically dies, aged 82