19 states are fighting back against anti-trans legislation by rolling out bills together to create a safe haven for our trans fam called the “Rainbow Wall”. The senate fails to protect a woman’s right to choose and VP Kamala Harris has a lot to say about it. It’s Friday and Anna is recommending the WinHersUnited podcast.

00:00 – Welcome & Intro

01:05 – The Qube Ad, Discover the best BIPOC & QTPOC podcasts

01:49 – Intro Music by Aina Bre’Yon

02:30 – 19 states are fighting back against anti-trans legislation by rolling out bills together to create a safe haven for our trans fam called the “Rainbow Wall”

04:16 – The senate fails to protect a woman’s right to choose and VP Kamala Harris has a lot to say about it

05:29 – It’s Friday and Anna is recommending the WinHersUnited podcast

06:19 – Anna’s Got A Word

Things for you to check out 

Join the QCrew

WinHers United


WinHers United Summit
Pivots Are Powerful

Listen to More Queer News


Family, this is your favorite queer radio personality Anna DeShawn with our queer news for today. If you enjoy what you hear rate & review us inside your fav podcasting app. Before getting into the news I have to say thank you to everyone who joined me on our 100th episode social media tour. FB at 6, IG at 7, and then TikTok at 8pm. It was epic and I was tired. In celebration of our 100th episode I started our Queer News membership program. You’ll be hearing more about it as my goal is 100 monthly recurring subscribers in the next 30 days. I want to grow this beautiful thing we’ve started but to do that I need your financial support. Start with as low as a coffee a month. The link is of course in the show notes so join the QCrew today. You know you want too. Now for the news.

For our leading story today I want to tell y’all about the rainbow wall. Yes, the rainbow wall. All year long I’ve been reporting and you’ve been seeing republicans state after state attack our trans fam. These attacks have looked like bans on gender affirming care, bans on participating in sports, bans on bathroom use. It has been a calculated onslaught of hate orchestrated by the Republican party and everytime I see something new I think what are the Democrats doing about it. Well family, they are forming a rainbow wall. Senator Scott Wiener out of San Francisco, LGBTQ Victory Institute, Equality California and Planned Parenthood of California made the announcement that this is a LGBTQ-led rollout of trans refuge. Lawmakers in 19 states are forming a coalition and introducing legislation in each of their states to be a safe haven for trans youth and their families. These bills would prevent these right-wing states from enforcing their laws within our rainbow wall states. I love this. Bills are already advancing in California, New York and Minnesota. Up next are Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia in their next legislative sessions. If you heard your state called give your reps a call and make sure they know they have your support. We need all 19 states to pass this legislation. 

In Roe v. Wade news, Senate democrats attempted to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act which would codify the right to an abortion but it failed. It falied 49-51 despite every LGBTQ member of Congress voting in favor. But when you have a democrat like Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) it’s hard to get anything done. Then there are Sens. Sue Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) who have claimed to be pro-choice but they too voted against the bill. What a disgrace. Hear what VP Kamala Harris had to say. [play clip] I don’t think anything else needs to be said. That’s it. 

It’s Friday, which means I’m dropping a podcast recommendation for you. Today’s recommendation is WinHersUnited by my homie Nicole Walker. WinHers United contains leadership insight, personal experiences, and business expertise from leading WOC Entrepreneurs. During the podcast Nicole talks with some of the very best at what they do and they drop golden nuggets along the way. If you’re an entrepreneur and learn through other people’s experiences this is definitely the podcast for you. Not to mention she has a conference coming up called Pivots are Powerful Virtual Summit June 6-9 from 5-8pm ET. I’ll be there and you should join me. I’ve included links to her podcast and to the summit in the show notes. 

Let’s close out the podcast with a word on pivoting. When I started the Queer News podcast on November 15, 2021 it was a pivot. If you remember I started  “Wake Up with Anna & Friends” in April 2021 and that was a lot of fun at first but I slowly lost the joy for it. I went from doing it live for two hours to doing it for one hour to see if I got the joy back and I didn’t. At that time I attended two podcasting conferences, Afros & Audio and Podfest. I was inspired.

I took some time to think about what I enjoyed about the show. It was the queer news segment hands down. It was the most unique aspect of the show and so I took to social media and asked the people. I published a number of polls to the community to garner feedback. The response was overwhelmingly, yes to queer news. Yes I would tune-in. Yes I will support. Yes yes yes. So I embarked on producing a daily podcast.

Six months later we’ve surpassed 13,000 listens and just hit the 100th episode. In podcasting that is a really BIG deal. Over 50% of podcasts don’t make but we are still here. We’ve made it because of your consistent support. I am full of gratitude. To celebrate our 100th episode I launched our membership program to help us grow. I want to bring on a producer, an editor, and travel around the country to tell our stories. If you love what we’re doing and can be a financial supporter please consider joining the QCrew today. I’ve of course included a link in the show notes. So don’t be afraid to pivot. Don’t allow fear to hold you back. It’s all a great experiment and you should pivot until you find what works for you. Till Monday family, peace


States Forming ‘Rainbow Wall’ for Transgender Youth, Families




Lawmakers in 19 States Will Introduce Legislation to Protect Trans Youth


Abortion rights bill fails in Senate as every LGBTQ member of Congress supported it


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