An Alabama judge blocks part of the most transphobic legislation passed to date. A Lyft driver kicks racist passengers out of his car & Kendrick Lamar’s “Auntie Diaries” didn’t hit for the queers
00:00 – Welcome & Intro
00:45 – NECANN Ad, Cannabis convention coming to Chicago June 10th & 11th
01:28 – Intro Music by Aina Bre’Yon
02:09 – An Alabama judge blocks part of the most transphobic legislation passed to date
03:42 – A Lyft driver kicks racist passengers out of his car
05:17 – Kendrick Lamar’s “Auntie Diaries” didn’t hit for the queers
07:07 – Anna’s Got A Word
Things for you to check out
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Watch the Lyft Driver Video
I don’t know who this Lyft driver is but he deserves an award and a seat in Congress.
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) May 15, 2022
Kendrick Lamar Commentary
If you think deadnaming, misgendering, and wielding slurs is the pinnacle of LGBTQ+ allyship, you’ve got a lot of work to do, boo.
— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) May 13, 2022
Just listened to Kendrick's "Auntie Diaries." I want to reflect. I'm thankful he spoke in favor of love & acceptance of trans sibs — even after admitting what society did to them first. The "faggot" threw me off because it isn't his word to use. But that's his point at the end.
— Preston Mitchum, he/him (@PrestonMitchum) May 13, 2022
Kendrick Lamar's "Auntie Diaries" off #MrMoraleAndTheBigSteppers is an incredible song about trans acceptance & intersectionality but a lot of people are hung up on some of its problematic elements. Here's a thread attempting to clear up the confusion. 💜🧵 1/x
— conure 🐦🖤 (@conureCC) May 13, 2022
Sign the Petition – Secure Brittney Griner’s Swift and Safe Return to the U.S.

We expect The @WhiteHouse to use all options available to immediately and safely bring Brittney home. This will help protect the sanctity of sport and support the confidence of all athletes traveling abroad. [2/2]#WeAreBG
— Lindsay Kagawa Colas (she/her) (@kagawacolas) May 13, 2022