I will never understand why people think it’s okay to put laws in place that control other people’s lives. If you don’t agree with abortion don’t get one. If you don’t believe in gay marriage. Don’t have one. If you don’t believe in contraceptives don’t use protection. But your beliefs which are often rooted in toxic Christianity are yours and yours alone. Don’t impose that on others especially when it’s not causing you as an individual any harm.
00:00 Today’s Top Stories
00:35 Happy Pride
00:55 Intro Music by Aina Bre’Yon
01:36 Bring BG Home movement
01:52 LGBTQ Women’s Survey
03:27 Anna provides Roe v. Wade reflection and provides a state by state overview in a post-Roe era
09:32 It’s Pride
Things for you to check out
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Get your tickets to BKLYN BOIHOOD’s Pride Party @The Bell House with code: BKBOIS2022
Take the National LGBTQ+ Women*s Survey today
Sign the Petition – Secure Brittney Griner’s Swift and Safe Return to the U.S.