Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting queer news and thank you for supporting what is to come, because this is just the beginning.

00:00 – Welcome & Intro

00:53 – Palm Springs Ad

01:44 – Purple Tie Affair

02:35 – Today’s Top Stories 

02:43 – Black Podcasting Awards

05:13 – I Am Built For This

07:07 – Support the BPA

08:46 – Thank You

09:00 – Outro

Things for you to check out 

Watch the Black Podcasting Awards

Palm Springs Women’s Jazz Festival

Join the QCrew

Sign the Petition – Secure Brittney Griner’s Swift and Safe Return to the U​.​S.

Listen to More Queer News


Family, it’s your favorite queer radio personality Anna DeShawn with our queer news for today. Now, I want to make you a promise. We will continue to bring you the latest in queer news, culture, and politics . So, if you are digging our intersectional take on the daily, consider joining the QCrew.

The QCrew is our monthly membership program we started to help us grow the podcast. With your help, we can bring you more stories celebrating our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & comrade communities. 

This month we have a QCrew exclusive we are working on that I think will be one of our best interviews yet. More to come on that and in the meantime you’ve shown us your support by tuning into this episode. You can show your curiosity by clicking the link in the show notes to learn more about the QCrew.

Now have you purchased your Purple Tie tickets yet? It’s so hard to believe we’ve been doing this for 9 years. Giving back to my favorite small non profits that are making big impacts. This year will be so special too. VIP is sold out and now its time to sell out the rest of the gala. We’ve got Kenyotta KenChris performing with her band. She is going to shut it down. Then we have Ms. Phoenix the drag entertainer extraordinaire set to do her thing. All the proceeds are going to the oh so deserving non profit Chicago Therapy Collective. If you aren’t in Chicago that’s okay too because we will be live streaming our general time. Click the link in the show notes to get your ticket or make a donation today. 

Okay, let’s get into it now for the news. And the only news today is  gratitude family. Earlier today was the black podcasting awards, the third annual black podcasting awards. And we were up for three nominations family.

Best black news, informative podcast, best new black podcast and best black LGBTQ podcast family. We won not one, not two, but all three categories. We, we, we swept denominations and I, it is really hard for me to find the words, but. I wanted to come to y’all on this episode, unscripted, cuz y’all know, I love a good script.

Okay. But this is straight from my heart. I am incredibly full right now and I’ll probably be full for a very long time because the black podcasting awards, our awards for. And buy us. I equated to the NAACP image awards, you know, like  when your peers and the people that you admire and the people that you listen to are nominated alongside you.

And then for you to win, it’s a lot. It’s a lot. And. I work hard.  not to oversimplify, but to just say I work hard and I haven’t been good over the years of celebrating. And my homie, Nicole reminds me that we should celebrate the wins. And I just haven’t for many years I had imposter syndrome. Because of the fact that I worked a full-time corporate job and that I was doing the radio station as a passion project.

And I never felt like I was giving it everything I had. And so I never valued everything that I was doing and the work all the time. And so I never celebrated, I mean, we did it for a decade. I, you, you can go back through the archive. We never celebrate, I don’t know how many episodes I did  of any of those shows because I never celebrated.

I never celebrated an anniversary or anything like that. I never accepted the term boss, um, that was given to me, but I never owned it. I never stepped into that title. I. So February, 2021, right? It was the first month that I was my own full-time boss. And I have really learned over what the last 19 months, just how strong I am, how I really was built for this, how I am doing what I’m called to do.

And with friends, like. Who remind me to celebrate the wins. Oh, y’all, I’m really full. Um, and I’m not gonna hold y’all long. This is not for that. This is just me saying thank you so much because I do this because you all, listen, I do it because it continues to bring me joy. And the fact that we won means that we are not only creating something of quality.

But that people are finding value in queer news. That, to me, that to me is what this is all about because representation matters and our humanity matters. And as a black queer woman, And living at the intersections of all of that plus everything else that is me to be seen and to tell our stories is at the heart of why I do this work and my representation matters and your representation matters.

And our work was seen tonight on a whole nother level, and I am truly full of gratitude. I wanna give the black podcasting awards and a, like all of their due because the ceremony was a flawless. Okay. And anyone out here doing lab events knows that that is tough. That is tough. That team pulled that off.

Okay. And so if you haven’t seen the awards, I would encourage you to do so for a number of reasons. One support the black podcasting awards  period with a T two, because there’s some amazing content out here. And award shows are an amazing place to find the very best. And so there are shows that were nominated alongside me that I would love for you to check out alright, edges hosted by my homie Shante.

Y’all should definitely check that out. Let me tell you something with Christian and Tyshawn adventures of Chi. ABF creative is legit. If you don’t listen to ABF creative, you should. All right. Conversations with ki and Mayo better to speak the podcast, walk by accident podcast. And there are dozens of other amazing podcasts out here, and you can find them, you know, at black podcasting awards, you can see all the nominees.

So what I want you to do is go visit black pod Go check out the Nominees. From this year, the previous year and the previous year before that, and find you some new content, find this amazing content out here in the world that’s being created because it’s good. It’s really good. And I can’t wait for the cube to drop and to be a hub for this content for you all to discover it.

But in the meantime, there are places like black pod, where you can find some of the very best. So I’m gonna leave you. I’ll go, go celebrate some more. I’m gonna try to soak it in. I’m gonna try to receive all the blessings and the gratitude and the congratulations and receive all of that. And I just wanna say, thank you.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting queer news and thank you for supporting what is to come, because this is just the beginning till tomorrow, family. Peace. This podcast is a production of E three radio, your number one queer radio station playing queer music and reporting on queer news in high rotation.

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