This week on the Queer News podcast Anna DeShawn celebrates the life of Cecilia Gentili, an icon who passed away last week. In politics, Utah becomes the 11th state to pass legislation restricting bathroom rights for our trans siblings. Indiana launches a form for people to report schools teaching LGBTQ inclusion but it didn’t go how they thought. In culture and entertainment, Brittney Griner’s book is available for pre-order. Rupaul’s Madame Tussauds London wax figure is revealed and GLAAD partners with the NFL during super bowl week. Let’s go! 

00:00 – Welcome to the Queer News podcast 

00:48 – Anna answers questions from the Queer News listenership survey

1:59 – Join the QCrew, 

2:49 – Queer News headlines

3:33 – We celebrate the life of Cecilia Gentili

7:35 – Utah passes anti-trans bathroom law

9:24 – Indiana launches a form for people to report schools teaching LGBTQ inclusion but it didn’t go how they thought

12:12 – Promote your business on the Queer News podcast. Book an ad today! Email info @ 

12:39 – Brittney Griner’s book “Coming Home” is available for pre-order

14:20 – GLAAD partners with the NFL during super bowl week

17:08 – Rupaul’s Madame Tussauds London wax figure is revealed 

18:28 – Anna’s Got a Word


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Family, it’s your favorite queer radio personality Anna DeShawn and this is Queer News. Your fav weekly news pod where race & sexuality meet politics, culture, and entertainment. 

As promised I want to answer the questions you left for me in the survey. You all took the time and I want to take the time too. This week’s question, No notes! I really appreciate the community connection and hearing the queer/BIPOC joy while being tapped in. Actually, maybe some suggestions on how to get involved with activism?”  

It’s that time to talk about the QCrew! Thank y’all so much for supporting the work of this podcast. Our Queer News community receives a weekly email sharing our top queer news stories, an unedited video from me about our top stories, and now first dibs on our exclusive interviews. The QCrew helps to supplement the costs of pod; podcast hosting, editing, marketing, PR, travel, etc. If you believe in the work we do. If you believe LGBTQ stories need to be amplified. If you love and respect how I report on the news and tell our stories, join the QCrew. A link is in the show notes. 

Now for the news. We celebrate the life of Cecilia Gentili who passed away this past week. In politics, Utah becomes the 10th state to pass legislation restricting bathroom rights for trans folks. Indiana launches a form for people to report schools teaching LGBTQ inclusion but it didn’t go how they thought. In culture and entertainment, Brittney Griner’s book is available for pre-order. Rupaul’s Madame Tussauds London wax figure is revealed and GLAAD partners with the NFL during super bowl week. Let’s go!

Read the full transcript here


Cecilia Gentili, Beloved Transgender Advocate, Author, and Actress, Has Died

A ‘Mother’ Is Mourned by the Queer New Yorkers She Left Behind

Utah joins 10 other states in regulating bathroom access for transgender people

Indiana Launches Anti-LGBTQ “Snitch Line,” Users Flood With Memes In Protest

Coming Home

WNBA Player Brittney Griner’s Memoir, Coming Home, Out in Spring 2024

NFL team up with GLAAD for ‘A Night of Pride’ celebration, in spite of hateful petition


RuPaul’s Wax Figure

Michelle Visage Unveils Rupaul’s New Madame Tussauds London Figure

RuPaul makes history as first drag wax figure at Madame Tussauds London

Cecilia Gentili – I’m From Driftwood

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