The writer’s of history decided to leave certain things out and we are deciding to add them back in. Some of our most beloved sheros and heros were LGBTQ and we don’t even know it. Every week we will highlight someone new and Queer out Black History.

We know better so we will do better. We will celebrate them for ALL of who they are; Black, LGBTQ, & Beautiful.

First up is Alice Walker.

Alice Walker’s seminal book, The Color Purple, perfectly captures the author’s emotional beauty, critical eye towards injustice, and fearless spirit when it comes to speaking hard truths. Like her literary works, Alice has long confronted society’s inequities, working to bring about racial equality, human rights, international peace, and fair treatment of the trans community. In her advocacy and her writing, violence, gender, race, poverty, and seeking love are perpetual themes. The openly bisexual, award winning humanitarian and artist has many accolades, including being the first black woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Thirty years after the release of her most popular novel, The Color Purple continues to reach new audiences in print, on screen, and on the stage. A documentary on Alice’s life, American Masters–Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth, recently premiered on PBS. Both Alice and her career have proven to be timeless inspirations.

*citing GLADD,

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