I also want to take a moment and remember those who lost their lives at club Q. Far too often the new cycles just moves too fast. Sometimes it’s easier for us to move on than to look our biggest fears right in the face. I believe one of our biggest fears is that we live in a country where this type of heat really truly exists. And just the idea that it happened could mean that it could happen again. That scares the life out of us. Today we continue to remember Daniel, Ashley, Kelly, Derek, Raymond. Today we continue to remember those who survived. Today we remember their families. We will never forget.
00:00 – Welcome & Intro
01:10 – Queer News Goes Weekly
01:35 – Top Stories This Week
01:37 – BG Update
01:53 – We Remember Club Q
02:56 – Anna Makes It to Top 6 at TechRise
05:23 – Billy Porter
06:20 – Anna’s Got A Word
06:56 – Outro
Things for you to check out
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Sign the Petition – Secure Brittney Griner’s Swift and Safe Return to the U.S.