Lesbian love turned Netflix documentary “A Secret Love” is remembered in a new way, Ted Cruz’s daughter comes out on TikTok & Creating Change is moving virtual –  Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Lesbian love turned Netflix documentary “A Secret Love” is remembered in a new way, Ted Cruz’s daughter comes out on TikTok & Creating Change is moving virtual – Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Lesbian love of Terry Donahue & Pat Henschel that was documented in “A Secret Love” is honored by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame & Museum. The daughter of right wing conservative politician Ted Cruz came out as bi on TikTok. Creating Change has canceled the conference in New Orleans but is moving virtual.

00:00 – Welcome & Intro

00:31 – The Qube Ad

00:54 – Intro Music

01:35 – The Lesbian love of Terry Donahue & Pat Henschel that was documented in A Secret Love is honored by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame & Museum

03:56 -The daughter of right wing conservative politician Ted Cruz came out as bi on TikTok

06:07 – Creating Change has canceled the conference in New Orleans but is moving virtual

07:18 –  – Anna’s Got a Word

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Family, this is your favorite Queer radio personality Anna DeShawn here with our Queer news from today.

The Lesbian love of Terry Donahue & Pat Henschel that was documented in A Secret Love is honored by the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame & Museum. The daughter of right wing conservative politician Ted Cruz came out as bi on TikTok. Creating Change has canceled the conference in New Orleans but is moving virtual. 

I want to start Queer news today with a lesbian love story. Did you all watch “A Secret Love”? The Netflix documentary about Terry Donahue & Pat Henschel’s 72-year relationship in which they spent 65 of those years in the closet. They told their family and friends they were roommates for all that time. While in their 80’s they decided it was time to tell their families the truth. Then in 2015 on Terry’s 90th birthday they got married. This doc will have you all in your feelings so keep the tissues close. Terry & Pat’s relationship really blossomed while Terry was playing for the Peoria Redwings in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League in 1947. The league that “A League of Their Own” based their entire movie on. I must say I watched that movie hundreds of times growing up. Those women were so courageous to do what they were doing and they had to do it in skirts. Baseball in a skirt. Well skirt or not Terry was great and was inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame & the Saskatchewan Baseball hall of Fame in 1998. So get this, Phil Sklar, cofounder and CEO of the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum had the idea of a Terry bobblehead after watching their documentary. Phl said, ​​”I thought that a bobblehead of Terry would be a great way to celebrate her life. But we quickly realized that we couldn’t do a bobblehead of Terry without Pat,”…“It was clear that Terry and Pat’s story had inspired a lot of people,” …“We thought bobbleheads would be a fun extension of the documentary.” It is a fun extension as their bobbleheads fit together at the base because why would you buy one without the other. They are a pair. The bobbleheads, which are individually numbered, are available for a limited time and only through the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum’s online store. They are $30 each or $50 for the set of two plus a flat-rate shipping charge of $8 per order. If you haven’t seen the documentary, definitely watch it. If you’re a fan of the documentary go ahead and get these bobbleheads. It’s a fun way to remember them both of them. 

I love stories like our next one because it feels like the universe is working for some good. So Ted Cruz, the ultra conservative anti-LGBTQ politician who’s done more harm than worth listing, yes that Ted Cruz’s daughter, Caroline Cruz, has come out as bi on TikTok. Oh how I love TikTok. In a video she posted she shared, “A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,”… “But I really disagree with most of his views.” In another video posted to TikTok, she shares that her parents digitally altered a photo for the family Christmas card to make her clothing look more conservative. Now a screenshot was taken of a comment where a user asked if her bisexuality “is something he knows” if she was comfortable talking about the subject. A comment which I thought was so incredibly thoughtful in a world where the Internet trolls are so busy. She replied and said, “I haven’t told him yet, I’m kinda nervous tbh but I don’t think he would be mad about it.” Well since this was reported yesterday by various media outlets her TikTok page is now private and the tweets are gone. Seems like someone has swooped right on in. Caroline is 13 so coming out is a very real thing for her especially in the world in which she resides. A world where she has to have two security guards with her at all times and be expected to be a certain way. Family is complicated. Period. All of our complications are just not the same. Now back to why I feel like the universe is doing some good. When people like Ted Cruz who are so vehemently anti-LGBTQ have queer children it forces them to at the very least have a conversation about the topic. Best case scenario they look themselves in the mirror and reckon with all of the terrible things they said & done to other people’s children. Now it’s your own. So, do you still believe it’s a choice or no? Do you want to deny your own child’s rights? Universe keep working, okay. 

Now, have you heard that Creating Change has canceled their in-person conference this year? It was set for Jan 12-16 in New Orleans and we were going. E3 Radio was going to be in the building but alas COVID is busy and gathering thousands of people in a concentrated area just isn’t a good idea right now. The Executive Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force who hosts the conference, Kierra Johnson said, “While disappointing, we must put the health and wellness of our attendees, volunteers, staff and other conference supporters first and have decided to move forward with a virtual only conference.” She went on to say, “”We know that Creating Change is a unique and empowering experience for our community and everyone who attends brings so much love and passion to the conference but our responsibility first and foremost is caring for each other.” I’m with it and I’m looking forward to the virtual conference. A date for the virtual conference isn’t set just yet but hopefully we’ll still be able to present our talk on QTPOC Storytelling for Social Change. Carter & I were going to co-present an interactive workshop to empower our community to be the authors of their own stories. It will happen all in the right time. 

I’ll close out with our word for today coming from the “Manifest Now” book I’m reading. I told y’all there are a lot of gems in this book. Okay this gem says, “Billions of humans exist on the planet. So many incredible people that you haven’t met yet. Why limit your experience to a few bad interactions and assume that greatness doesn’t roam the earth. All is possible for you. Switch your mindset so that new energy can enter your life”. Yea I read that one about 5 times because it is incredibly easy to generalize any situation or person. At the end of the day though that’s just one human and one situation. I’ve met and been in community with far more amazing people than not. Focus on the good family. Till tomorrow, peace. 


Bobbleheads of senior lesbian couple from Netflix’s ‘A Secret Love’


Lesbian Couple From Netflix Doc A Secret Love Made Into Bobbleheads


‘I really disagree with most of his views’: Ted Cruz’s daughter, 13, takes to TikTok and claims she is constantly judged by people for her father’s conservative opinions


Creating Change conference pivots to virtual event



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